Motorola Help

To help you get the best from your Motorola two-way radio purchase, we have numerous manuals available for download. Click on the link to view a document, or if you wish to save the document to your computer, right click on the link and select “Save Target/Link As…” or “Download Linked File…”. If you are looking for information you can’t find here, please contact us, and we will be glad to assist you. We appreciate any thoughts and suggestions you might have. To go to our information page, please click here.



Motorola CLS1110 Two-way Radio





PDF_iconMotorola CLS 1110/1410 Two-Way Radio Operations Manual.pdf




Motorola VL50 Two-way Radio




PDF_iconMotorola VL50 Two-Way Radio Operations Manual.pdf





Motorola SpiritGT Two-way Radio




PDF_iconMotorola Spirit GT & GT+ Operations Manual (discontinued).pdf





Motorola CP100 Two-way Radio




PDF_iconMotorola CP100 Two-Way Radio Operations Manual.pdf





Motorola CP125 Two-way Radio





PDF_iconMotorola CP125 Two-Way Radio Operations Manual.pdf




Motorola CP200 Two-way Radio





PDF_iconMotorola CP150/CP200 Two-Way Radio Operations Manual.pdf




Motorola MagOne Two-way Radio





PDF_iconMotorola MagOne (BPR40) Two-Way Radio Operations Manual.pdf





You can click on the link of the manual in PDF format to help you get started:

(If you do not yet have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it here.)

ESSNASH203Motorola Help